Career Centre
for Institution
The concept of Skills Centre is developed on the basis of numerous research reports at national and international levels. The skills gap and unemployability are directly proportional to each other. With National Education Policy 2020 emphasizing on skill development right from middle-school years to universities, what we offer here is an all-encompassing solution to meet the need of global citizenship and employability. Our research based design takes into account the following:​​​
Need analysis for the institution
Creating a skill based career curriculum
Establishing a self-sustainable Career Guidance Centre
Need Analysis of the School
Based on the survey from all the stakeholders
Create a Career Curriculum
A skill based inclusive program for grade 9 to 12
Establishing a self-sustainable CGC
With a hand holding for a year, the centres will become future hubs of education
Solution for Schools
Career Guidance Centres
Deficit of 1.4 million career counselors in schools
Preparation for 21st century Skills and not careers only
Early interventions and training will help in controlling human resource wastage
Solution for Colleges/Universities
Career Transition Centres
Lack of training on industry specific placements and skills
For a seamless solution to curb unemployability and better career transitions
A highly educated Indian youth is more than five times as likely to be unemployed as an uneducated one.