Chetna Sabharwal
Career Coach; Director Skills Reform
Working for 25+ years at the carrefour of education, psychology, mathematics and career guidance, the final call so far comes into all encompassing ‘social entrepreneurship’. As a convinced believer of “multipotentialities”, she mentors her clients across all ages to reach their optimum potential through life coaching, assessments, study paths, therapy sessions and skill development.
Conferred with various awards like “Expert of the year” by Shiksha.com, “Jeevan Kaushal Ratna Award” for her excellence in counselling Services at National level and ‘Top 25 Mentors of India’ by Think CIQ. She contributes to social endeavors like career counselling, coping with math phobia, teacher training and positive parenting by workshops/trainings and sessions. Her overseas travel for educational assignments to countries like Australia, USA, Canada, Singapore, UAE and New Zealand has widened her horizon in global education.
As a Co-founder of SkillsReform, we are looking forward to upskilling millions of youth and working professionals, and also to collaborate with organisations for our revolutionary mentorship program.